An important aspect in the establishment of the MBA programme is the level of teaching and studying sources. The Moravian Business School can use a modern system of studying sources at the Brno University of Technology (VUT) with which it cooperates on a contractual basis.
The MBA programme will be implemented in the premises of the VUT rectory in the Brno City centre, in Kounicova street no. 61A. The arrangement of learning premises, library and ICT laboratories contributes to creation of the inspiring and demanding education for students of the MBA programmes. The “back office” is intended for preparation of materials, handout photocopies, etc. and is available directly in site. Students have access to physical learning materials of a high quality. Every lecture room is provided with modern teaching equipment (television, video players, ceiling projector, data projector, screen projector).
The MBA students will have a full access to IS/IT laboratories equipped with the Internet and to other VUT equipment. The access to selected databases (e.g. ABI Inform, Internet, Inform Katalog, Kompass) will be made possible for both teachers and MBA programme students. This will be supported by sufficient computer equipment (both hardware and software) at VUT with connection to the Brno Academic Computer Network.
LJMU resources
The MBA/MBS students will have access to virtual study sources situated in the LJMU premises. The MBS students will be authorised to use the LJMU library and learning sources available from the Internet, such as books, printed magazines, electronic magazines, special files as Short Loan, Self Service Issue a Return, Subject Specialists, Collection management, Digitisation, Copyright support, Information Literacy, Research Support.
The access will be ensured during the commencement week in which the LJMU will have a special lecture with necessary instructions.